Hospital-based labs require special attention due to its super-specialized and urgent nature. Now is the time that hospitals integrate their hospital Information systems (HIS) with more robust LIMS to increase the overall work efficiency. This provides better patient management and satisfaction, helps the Nurses and Doctors to access information for treatment quickly.
Hospital labs require to provide dedicated attention to implement advanced technology; automated systems adhere to regulatory compliance, including patient satisfaction.
Also, hospitals are outsourcing lab management services to external diagnostic labs to focus on their healthcare services.
Especially during the pandemic situation, investing in the right lab management system allows hospitals to manage the testing pressure with faster turn-around-time providing better patient care.
What to consider when looking for the right hospital lab management?
It is a known fact that more than 70% of the decision made by the healthcare providers primarily depend upon the lab reports. Hence, specific parameters are considered when looking for the right lab management system for the hospital.
When looking for hospital lab management, one needs to understand the hospital lab’s day-to-day challenges before making the final decision. Though there are multiple factors in consideration, below are a few essential points for consideration:
- Lab turnaround time: This is one of the critical parameters for integrating the lab with the hospital system. With reduced TAT, the patient’s wait time will eventually reduce, leading to increased patient satisfaction.
- Reports access from outside the lab premises: Pathologist requires an efficient system to access the reports even when not in the lab. It helps immensely during an emergency or critical situation when a quick decision is needed.
- Need for strict compliance with the government regulations: A software adhering to regulations provides a more authentic and reliable support system and Audit response.
- Ability to customize the workflow: Each hospital has different requirements when working with the lab. Hence, the product should offer the flexibility to customize the workflow as per the hospital’s needs.
Key features of ABI Health’s Lab Management System for Hospital
ABI Health has successfully implemented lab management systems in India and Overseas. With the latest SAAS based technology, ABI’s Attune LIMS provides the world’s most comprehensive LIMS to make the lab efficient.
ABI Health’s lab management system provides some of the best lab features:
- Adheres to lab regulation, helping in NABL, CAP, JCI audits.
- Multiple modes of integration between HIS and LIMS-such as API and HL7 standards
- Fully functional Covid19 testing with auto-pushing of results to the ICMR using AI and RPA
- Patient ID same as UHID (Unique Hospital identity) across various domains, for easy communication approach between labs and the floor staff.
- Historical data search using UHID, subject to the patient’s visit under the same UHID every time.
- ABI’s Attune LIMS can show Ward and Bed details on the result capture page, allowing faster communication by the lab with Nursing.
- Email reporting to OPD patients and report readiness messages for better patient support.
- Critical Value SMS to Doctors and medical professionals.
- For the Medical Record Department (MRD) ease, there’s an option for bulk report printing for TPA patients.
- The home collection app for-phlebotomist sample collection.
- Interim and final reports are sent in PDFs/values to HIS for consumption during odd hours.
- The Delta rule feature helps lab technicians to identify the variation between two consecutive tests values and quick communications.
- Corporate health check-ups and email reporting
- Contactless and paperless reports are emailed to the OPD patients, a critical need during this pandemic.
The new research and technology are in progress for the healthcare provider system to provide them with an efficient system for better patient care.
To know about how ABI Health’s, Attune LIMS can provide your hospital labs the right support to faster turnaround time and increase in revenue generation, contact us for more information.
Why Practice Social Distancing?
Amidst this lockdown, many are still asking the question about “Social Distancing”. As per the scientists, finding the cure or medicine for COVID-19 it may take about 12-18 months to find it. Hence. To prevent the spreading of this virus social distancing is the most effective way to do it.
Let's start by explaining what is social distancing, it is a conscious and deliberate choice of maintaining the distance of six feet from the people around us, to prevent the spreading of COVID-19.
To understand better the impact of it, here is a small visual to explain how the virus will spread if social distancing is not paid attention.
Social distancing is so effective right now that as an individual we all are contributing in the prevention of spreading this deadly virus.
There is another major concern that is coming into the picture with the rapid increase in the coronavirus patients. Hospitals around the world do not have enough resources to tackle this pandemic, there are limited numbers of healthcare facility in all the countries around the world.
The coronavirus outbreak in Italy has shown, the faster rate of the population getting infected by it and to tackle with it, there are not enough medical resources like hospital beds, ventilators and doctors. This will be challenging for the healthcare to save lives leading to exponential rise in number of deaths.
Hence, social distancing is the most effective way to "flatten the curve" or reduce the spread of this coronavirus.
What does flattening the curve means?
The researchers have projected a graph to understand the impact of the spreading of coronavirus against the number of hospital beds. Though this is a theoretical graph, it does show how quickly the capacity of healthcare can come crashing down which can make COVID-19 an epidemic, hard to deal with.
This curve indicates, if the same number of people are getting at a slower rate over a longer period of time, then it reduces the pressure on the healthcare system and making it easier to treat everyone, hence, a lesser number of deaths.
Therefore, just by taking small measures individually, like maintaining social distance, washing hands frequently, avoid going out in crowded places, and spend maximum time inside the house. We all can contribute a collective to fight against this deadly coronavirus.