Keeping abreast with the conversations in the world of mobile applications and developments, mHealth would not be a new term to us. mHealth is a term used for practice of public healthcare and medicine supported by mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) with apps that help patients track, engage in, or analyze their health.

6 Other mHealth Technologies

  1. Patient monitoring devices
  2. MP3 players for mLearning
  3. Microcomputers
  4. Data collection software
  5. Mobile Operating System Technology
  6. Mobile applications

How to do it

  1. Assess needs: Depending on a feedback or queries asked by patients , you can picture the kind of needs prevalent. If Diabetes makes up your major patient load who look for help managing their diet, exercise, or medications OR If you are trying to communicate with you ? Think of how mHealth solutions could help bring out the best for your practice. So let patients be your guide on where to start.
  2. Get it custom made: Based on your requirements and patients needs you can get a custom made mhealth app. Do your indepth surveying of available apps before using , creating or suggesting any apps to your patients to ensure they’re high-quality.

How mHealth Can Help?

With multiple options available medical practices are attempting many practices to explore how mobile devices might help them . mHealth solutions helps patients monitor their health conditions throughout the day and share the relevant data with their physician.Numerous ways it can help are:

• Collection of community and clinical health data
• Delivery of healthcare information to practitioners, researchers and patients
• Improved Quality of Life.
• Real-time monitoring of patient vital signs
• Better Patient Engagement

A mHealth tool can help remind patients to monitor aspects of their health, like diet, weight, blood pressure, sleep, and medication. Mobile apps empower patients and give responsibility for their own health. Some apps can even be designed to directly contact their physican in case of a query /emergency wherein the doctor would be notified too improving engagement. Thus it increases accessibility and allows patients to reach out with quick questions.

With patient monitoring and patient engagement, physicians can make better, more cost-efficient recommendations for patient treatment.A survey conducted by Research Now Group found that almost 96% of mHealth users believe that these apps will improve their quality of life.

Integrating mHealth into your practice may be extra work, but these undeniable benefits could ensure better outcomes for both you and your patients.

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